Are you looking for some assistance for your move between Montreal and Paris? Particular or professional, the Berton Group can cooperate with you until the last stage of your relocation, with an affordable cost and a good quality service. We suggest you an adjusted and personalized removal from Montreal to Paris. 

The advantages of choosing a professional remover between Montreal to Paris?

The Group Berton has many propositions for you nevertheless; we can absolutely accept your own choice for your relocation to Paris. For your information, here are some benefits with working with the Berton Group: 

  • Time saving
  • Energy saving
  • Safety of your furniture 
  • An adjusted transport and a guarantee for the transport
  • Adequate materials for the removing
  • Experimented and motivated team
  • Free quotation and serious contract

What is more, the Berton Group can support you to find an accommodation, school for children, males in Paris. Above all, we have the possibility to personalize your moving from Montreal to Paris. 

Removal from Montreal to Paris : for both professional and particular

As an international remover, we organize a safe relocation from Montreal to Paris for both professional and particular. In fact, if you only ask for a transport, we can offer it for you. In other hand, if you want our integral service, it is a pleasure for us to collaborate with you. Seldom do you have to worry about your relocation since our removers have been qualified for this works for many years. Therefore, our service can totally accord with your request whatever you are. 

Removal from Montreal to Paris : The process to follow

Having access to our service is not that complicated, if you want to reserve our assistance; you can do it by a simple click in our website. Then choose your removal’s website, pick out your formula and complete it correctly. 

In addition to that, some executive papers need to be prepared in advance to perform your removal Montreal/Paris, it includes a passport, visa application, certification of resident’s change, vehicles letter, and health certification for pets if you need to bring it with you. Not only that, you also need to ask for a certification in the ancient school for your children if you have. Finally, for your information, live tree and plants, things that contain asbestos, ornamental foliage are restricted in a removal.

Removal from Montreal to Paris : Whom to address for help and for more information?

If you have any problems, feel free to call our supportive advisors. They can help you in any situation concerning the removal from Montreal to Paris. For instance, to fulfill the removal’s formula, to obtain all the useful files or to get more information. Our customer service are available at any time and for all customers in any situation. 

As you can see, you can trust our professional remover for your relocation between Montreal and Paris. If you are interested, do not hesitate to send your quotation directly online.   Your satisfaction is also our satisfaction and our motivation. 

For a furniture storage service, contact our storage box rental partner.


Pour un déménagement sans soucis, Le Groupe BERTON est certifié ISO 9001 et ISO 14001 et membre du réseau IAM reconnu dans le déménagement international


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